
Escape From Tarkov Is PC First, Console Graphics Will Be Lower; VR Support Is Possible - martinjusbancief

Escape From Tarkov Is Personal computer First, Console Graphics Will Be Lower; VR Support Is Possible

Battlestate Games has continued sharing more info on Evasion from Tarkov, the survival tactical online torpedo which surprised everyone (including us) coming out of nowhere with stunning videos and screenshots.

In the stylish Q&A session posted on their Facebook page, they secure players that while they'Ra considering console versions of the game, the game is "PC first" and there leave be no compromise happening features. Moreover, they added that the PC graphics quality bequeath "obviously be higher". VR support is deemed as something that might glucinium coming, though No much info is added to that end.

However, there's a ton Sir Thomas More inside information on the gameplay of Escape from Tarkov. We've highlighted few of the most interesting bits at a lower place:

Q: How the 3rd-person purview will cost exploited in the game?
A: We are believably going to make separate servers with third-person as an option.
Q: Will the game leave adding player mods, player quests, raids, etc?
A: Mostly, zero, since it is an online game. Even so, we favour the idea of lease players add their own items, as long As they pass our discipline and get approved.

Q: Will there live radios, comms interception, binoculars?
A: Yes.
Q: Are in that respect going to be tale videos, as in some strange projects?
A: Yes, in that location are going to be pre-scenario locomotive engine-based cinematics.
Q: Do you plan to admit fixed heavy weapons?
A: We're considering it.
Q: How will the maps be moderate and what obstacles leave keep the character from escaping the urban center?
A: Roadblocks, minefields, snipers, slashings etc.
Q: Does weapon modding and maintenance require tools? Will the weapons bear an operating resource?
A: Yes, you will need a hangout kit for maintenance and a multitool for some of the modding. The weapons will have a durability resource, it will deteriorate both physically and visually.
Q: In a huge city like Tarkov there are bound to be some banks, are we going to live able to plume them?
A: Yes, there will be one of the TARBANK branches.

Q: How many weapons can I take with me into the raid?
A: One on the belt out, one on the back, pistol in a holster, stab in a scabbard. You can also get a small-sized weapon system in your backpack.

Q: How do you dine in this game? Are in that location going to be safe zones, where you prat use up?
A: There will be no safe zones at the game locations, you will be safe entirely outside of the raid.So you will have to eat carefully.
Q: Players will manage their have prices for the items, don't you think that this will make some items incredibly twopenny?
A: This is saving and this is how it works in real life. If the item is cheap, then IT is widespread enough to cost tacky.
Q: Is at that place passing to be an animation of the healing?
A: Perhaps.
Q: Will in that location be a map? Are we going to able put markers on the map?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we going to be able to paint our weapons or put some stickers?
A: There testament exist patterns and paint to paint your weapons with camouflages.
Q: Will the playable character model move its head to look around?
A: We do plan to make the head movement operate.
Q: Will there be a way to interrupt the reloading of another player if we bourgeon him in the hand?
A: We harbour't thought of that… still.
Q: Is there going to be level destruction?
A: The levels and raze elements will be destructible to a certain extent, but we don't promise add u destruction.
Q: Testament weapon deteriorate over metre and how will it affect weapon?
A: It will affect its stats negatively, IT will hole and misfire more often, and fall to every last other sorts of trouble.
Q: Will different weapons undergo different lastingness?
A: Yes.
Q: Will game take in standing / bow / lying positions?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we going to fire from the cover? Can we blindly enkindle from report?
A: Yes, this is planned.
Q: Are we going to "stick" to covers?
A: Most definitely, there will be atomic number 102 sticking to screen.
Q: Is there an ability to customize gear for your own inevitably? Will it affect gameplay?
A: Yes. It will affect accessibility of mags to reload your weapon (only mags that stored in the vest and pockets are counted). Also we plan to make a vest editor for MOLLE system based vests.
Q: How does the player damage arrangement works?
A: There will be no regeneration. There will comprise bleedings, fractures, pain shocks etc. - you volition have to treat information technology all with special medical items, go for them to the damaged parts, watch out for side effects and so on.

Q: Will our progress and loot be saved if we will survive?
A: Everything that you've gained during the raid, wish be yours, if you will leave the raid location reanimated.
Q: How does the loot items feeling same in the game? How, where and at which conditions information technology will spawn?
A: On that point will be loot of various infrequency and it volition spawn at locations at contrastive places, in containers. Specific loot will spawn at specific locations (facility, center of the City). Rare loot items will spawn at places, where no one looked, (challenging to access places, closed rooms and so on). For each raid, lootable items are being generated over again.
Q: How random leave the story-essential booty comprise? Will at that place any particular place where we can easily spot IT?
A: The moolah of this kind will ever switch the spawn locations and discovery conditions (e.g. door access codes).
Q: Will there be rare or yet unique items in game - weapons, equipment, etc - with a low chance of finding?
A: Yes.

Q: Can the home clan/squad member comms (e.g. over radio) be overheard by strange players at close to particular distance?
A: Yes, we are provision to have the extended radio set management - relative frequency search, loop bearing, scrambling, etc.

In a subsequent post, Battlestate also announced the approximate system of rules requirements for Escape from Tarkov. These are not inalterable, but accordant to the studio they're not departure to change often.

OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 Bit)
Mainframe: Treble-core processor 2.4 GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo, i3), 2.6 GHz (AMD Athlon, Phenom II)
Graphics Posting: DX9 compatible graphics card with 1 GB memory
Sound: DirectX compatible audio identity card
Network: permanent connection to the Net
Disk space: from 8 U.K.

Osmium: Windows 7/8/10 (64 Bit)
Processor: quad-core processor 3.2 GHz (Intel i5, i7), от 3.6 GHz (AMD FX, Athlon)
RAM: from 8 GB
Art Card: DX11 compatible graphics card with 2 Gilbert OR much of memory
Sound: DirectX compatible audio card
Network: permanent connectedness to the Internet
Disc space: from 8 G

Throw off Tarkov posterior now be pre-ordered on the official site. The explorative sign-up form is also open.


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